“The mind is beyond all limits. Things given as offerings are beyond limit. Moreover, when we give, the mind transforms the offer and the offer transforms the mind.”

Master Zen Dogen, Japan, 13th century.


In Buddhism, the practice of reciprocal giving is called Dana. Dana means that all practice is offered free of charge, without cost. In turn, those who participate in the Zen practice also practice giving.

Zen Center Athens is a non-profit organization, dedicated to making Zen practices and teachings available to all who are interested. The lack of financial resources should not prevent one from participating in our events. In addition to material resources, Dana is the direct expression of the deepest teachings of Buddhism about the interconnectedness of all beings.



The proposed Dana is:

  • 5 euros for zazen
  • 10 euros for daily Sesshin
  • 50 euros per month (basic support of the Zen Centre)

Of course, if one has the possibility, can offer more. However, please do not give more than you feel comfortable with.



  • Contribution for the introductory lesson: 10 euros

The contribution will be removed from the first month if you wish to continue and join us on a montly basis.

  • Contribution for drop in lesson: 15 euros

We do not recommend attending individual courses, as progress comes from commitment. However, we do offer this as an option when for reasons of force majeure one is unable to enroll in the weekly classes.

  • Monthly subscription

40 euros for one class per week, 60 euros for two classes per week, 70 euros for three classes per week & 80 euros for four classes per week.

  • Yoga Nidra and Inner Silence Meditation

40 euros for two classes per week.



The contribution for Aikido lessons is 50 euros per month for up to three lessons per week.



The contribution for Iaido lessons is 50 euros per month for two lessons per week.



The contribution for Tae Kwon Do lessons is 50 euros per month for up to three lessons per week.